​​Spiritual Caucus

at the United Nations

February 6 ; February 20 

History and Structure of the Spiritual Caucus

The Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations emerged out of discussions amongst various Non-Governmental Organization representatives wishing to meditate together as a group to serve the spiritual work of the UN.

We began to meet as a Caucus in November 2000 and have continued to do so since then, on the first and third Thursday of the month, at or near the UN Headquarters in New York City.

The main purpose of the meetings continues to be to meditate together and to explore ways of using this inner group focus to serve the highest potential of the UN.

Meetings are open to any individual who supports the aims of the UN and wishes to serve in this way. The meetings begin with 10-15 minutes for introductions and sharing what’s on our minds with respect to the UN. We then have 30 minutes of silence together. This is a time for meditation, contemplation, prayer or reflection according to each individual's preference. Participants may choose to focus on a particular aspect of the work of the UN that seems pertinent at the time. After this, there is a 30-minute period for sharing from the silent time or other thoughts related to the work of the UN.

Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations
E-mail: spiritualcaucusun@gmail.com 
Website: www.spiritualcaucusun.org 

Fresco by Bo Beskow in Meditation Room at UN Headquarters, New York